On Saturday, 13 Jan, 2024 Steve Gregory and James Ostler attended the 96th Annual Red Hackle Regimental Dinner in Toronto. The dinner was hosted by the Toronto Black Watch Association. Guests of Honour were Gen (Retd) Walter Natynczyk, CMM, MSC, CD and The Honourable Peter MacKay PC, KC.
Steve Gregory MSM presented Ray Joseph CD with a Respect Coin in appreciation for the support that Ray has provided to the Respect Forum over the years.

The Respect Forum proudly participated as a Collaborative Partner to the event.

In the ever changing digital world, Zoom meetings can never replace the Face-to-face connections. Mike Voith MSC, CD, Chairman of the Ontario Chapter of the Last Post Fund and Respect Forum collaborator, connected with James Ostler at the event.

The event provided an excellent networking opportunity. It also deepened our knowledge of other supporting organizations and sponsors.
The goal of the Red Hackle Dinner is to celebrate the regimental history of the Black Watch and also to shine a light on topics that are supportive of/connected to the military community.