Welcome to the June Respect Canada Newsletter
Connecting Organizations
The 2024 Spring Respect Forums have wrapped up and we’re looking forward to a new round of Forums in the Fall. The Board and I wish to thank all of our Facilitators for their strong leadership and hard work in planning and conducting nineteen successful Forums across the Country. Dozens of connections were made and we look forward to hearing about the projects that have come out of these new cooperative efforts. And a big Thank You to the facilitators for a fantastic job organizing and hosting the Forums.
Respect Canada Facilitator, Brent Kerr, hosted the Fredericton Respect Forum
If you’d like to attend a Forum in the Fall, please register to receive updates at:
Respect Canada Presented to the Senate Subcommittee on Veterans Affairs
It was an honour to present to the Senate Subcommittee on Veterans Affairs, along with Gisele Fontaine, the Respect Canada Women’s Outreach Coordinator. The topic of discussion was Veteran’s Homelessness.
Respect Canada presented along with Debbie Lowther, Chief Executive Officer and Cofounder Veterans Emergency Transition Services (VETS) Canada and Mark Gaillard, Program Coordinator, RCMP Veteran Homelessness Program RCMP Veterans’ Association.
You can watch the meeting recording on YouTube here:
Thank You Steve
We wish to thank Steve Nolan for all of his hard work and dedication as our Ontario Regional Coordinator. Steve is moving on to pursue higher education.
Steve Nolan (left) with Ottawa Mayor Mark Sutcliffe
Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) Survey
Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) invites you to take part in the Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) survey. The goal of this survey is to develop an inclusive, holistic vision of the health and well-being of Canadian Veterans.
Survey is open until 8 July 2024.
Click this link to participate:
CAF Appreciation Night
Friday, June 28th Atletico Ottawa vs Forge FC at 7:00 pm
Atletico Ottawa and Coding 4 Veterans once again brings you Canadian Armed Forces Appreciation Night.
For details, please visit:
For a pair of complimentary tickets, thanks to Coding 4 Veterans, please email Terry Telford, the Respect Canada Outreach Coordinator at outreach@respectcanada.org
Homes For Heroes Kingston
The Homes For Heroes Foundation was developed in response to the growing number of military Veterans who are facing crisis as they return to civilian life and find themselves on the path to homelessness.
The official opening of the Kingston Village took place on 4 June 2024. Respect Canada’s James Ostler and Gordon Hagar were in attendance at the event.
Respect Canada’s James Ostler and Gord Hagar
“Note to Editor”
Thanks for the photo of James Ostler and me at the official opening for the H4HFVK. For folks who are tracking the most current RCMP red serge orders of dress, I received a special one-time waiver to wear ribbons versus full court medals: my medals were being remounted to add the third clasp to my CD, indicating a minimum of 42 years of good conduct in the Canadian Armed Forces. With the written permission of the Ottawa band Drum Major, I was allowed to wear my ribbons for this event only. I now have my new medals, they look great, and the ribbons are back on my Army short sleeve shirt, in preparation for the return of all my equipment tomorrow. See you on the countermarch,
Gord Hagar
Resources for Families of Veterans and First Responders

Respect Canada is proud to announce our new resource directory for Families of Veterans and First Responders. Please access the directory and let us know if there are any missing resources.
The Resource Directory is Here:
2024 Veterans Networking Reception
Respect Canada was well represented at the 2024 Veterans Networking Reception hosted by the City of Ottawa and the Ottawa Veterans Task Force, providing an excellent opportunity for Terry Telford, Gisele Fontaine, and Steve Nolan to network with the Veteran community and reconnect with friends. It was also wonderful to see women veterans in great numbers, including Hon. Senator Rebecca Patterson, Canada’s Veterans Ombudsman Nishika Jardine, BGen (Ret’d) Linda Colwell, Orleans Legion President Wyn Fournier, Pepper Pod CEO Sandra Perron, and Executive Director Catherine Priestman, to name a few. Big thanks to City Councillors Matthew Luloff, David Hill – Councillor – Ward 3 Barrhaven West, Steve Desroches and VTF’s co-chair Andre Thivierge for bringing veterans together and putting on such a pleasant and well-organized event.
Left to right – Terry Telford, Gisele Fontaine, MSC, and Steve Nolan

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Volunteer: Make a Difference: Pay it Forward

Would you like to make a difference in the lives of Canadian Armed Forces veterans, Emergency Responders, and their families? Volunteer with Respect Canada and help organizations network and collaborate to offer the best combined services to our Nation’s heroes.